UNIt XIII: Universations 236 - 255


Is it a biography?
Is it just a collection of facts?
Is it the imaginings of a committee?
It’s none of those things.
What is it?
It’s the truth personified.


So you’ve joined the long line.
What do you mean?
You’ve discovered the hidden way – the truth behind the truth.
Now you can start your own religion.
What’s wrong with that?
Why isn’t anyone simply satisfied with attempting a slight improvement?


Does this world belong to you?
It belongs to an acquaintance of mine.
Do I know him?
What makes you think it’s a he?


Have we lost perspective?
We are struggling with a loss of words.
Will they flow again?
In times of drought, we pray for rain.
Sometimes we must learn to like the taste of dust.


How often do you talk to the big guy?
Let’s just say we correspond on a regular basis.
What’s been the latest topic of conversation?
We’re still working on percentages.


Most people get tired late at night.
What is the source of our fatigue?
Weariness comes from the knowledge that we are ignorant.
The finite brain is overwhelmed by infinity.
Yes, and the empty heart is filled with fear.
The night closes in.
Our weariness leads to sleep.
Where does our sleep lead?
That is yet to be discovered.


You speak of home as if you’ve never been there.
It’s a place I want to think of but never go to.
Why is that?
Because home is at the end of the journey and I’m still enjoying the ride.


All the playgrounds are empty.
Where are the children?
The children are at home tending to their parents.


Unspeakable miseries fill the years. Who is to blame?
Why must we blame anyone?
Someone must pay for the evil done.
Why spend our resources on the unalterable? Past deeds cannot be changed but living entities may be repaired.
What do you propose?
An end to hostilities.


Who’s to blame for the insufferable antagonisms between members of the same group?
The most active members.


Do you recall your youth?
Bits and pieces. But I go back a long way.
What do you remember best?
The inability to freeze time.


We worship the ideal.
Is that good?
It depends on our form of worship.


Who are we?
We are pending results.


How do you justify your actions?
I don’t.
Then what is your motivation?
To bring water to the desert.


Do you play golf?
It hasn’t been invented yet.
I suppose that is a common problem for you.
What do you mean?
You’re a man who is always ahead of his time.


How long should we stay under water?
Long enough for the jet skis to pass by.


You don’t have much respect for authorities.
They only have answers.


Why do we forget so much? Are our minds of so little consequence?


What constitutes love?
Love is action delayed.


When you spoke to the crowd, did you think they would understand?
That was not a consideration.
Then why did you speak?
Out of necessity.