UNIt III: Universations 51-72


Do you feel deprived because you do not eat the meat of a pig?
Of course.
Of course.
Will it continue?
All things must end.


Do all deserve mercy?
No one deserves anything.
The sweat of the brow?
Good exercise. It has its own reward.
Should we claim something that is not ours?
We claim it once it is given to us. If the weather is bad, we get a rain ticket.


What do you do with a hypocrite?
You expose them for what they are.
What about their feelings?
Their feelings are false too.
Is everyone a hypocrite?


Why don’t you frequent the literary scene?
I have no time for naysayers.
Have you read any good books lately?
A few.
Did they teach you anything?
No, but then I wasn’t looking to learn, only a way to pass the time.


Where is he?
I don’t know. He was here just a moment ago.
He does that a lot.
Does what?


Where does thinking lead?
It leads to the cosmos.
Is there an universal mind?
Each mind is unique.
What binds us together?
A shared history.
The longer we are here the more history there is to share.
Isn’t sharing fun?


How do you satisfy hunger?
With water.
Where does this water come from?
From the ground.
Where do we come from?
From the ground.


Do you enjoy traveling on smooth roads?
Only when I’m sleeping.


What role does music play in your life?
I do not understand music.
Yet you sing.
You call that singing?


Numbers seem to be limitless.
Yes, and eternity is stored in a jar.
Do we believe the press reports?
We trust both the spoken and written word.
What if errors creep in?
They too are part of eternity.


Are utopian visions dangerous?
Only when they are unrealistic.
How do you define unrealistic?


Where do people live?
They live in structures made of various materials.
What materials are best?
Intangible ones.


Do you think he’ll ever stop drinking?
No, alcohol to him is like water to us.
Will drinking kill him?
In time.
Is there nothing we can do?
We cannot do what needs to be done. Anyway, it’s none of our business.


Are there too many people?
Are there too many stars?
Stars have more room; they have what appears to be a great emptiness between them.
So do people.


Whom should we look up to?
The brave.
Whom should we follow?
The smart.


Our feet are dirty because we wear sandals and our streets are made of sand. Our hands are clean because we do no work.


Do you believe that one day you will be saved?
I do.
What of those who do not believe this?
They will be challenged in their non-belief.
Will the light shine from heaven?
It will shine toward heaven.

The meek shall inherit the earth?
Isn’t it obvious?
Well, no. Power tends to gravitate to those who are strong.
But they grow weary of it.
And the meek?
They’re use to being weary.


Blessed are the peacemakers.
Blessed are the janitors too.


What defines restlessness?
Is there an end to restlessness?
Can purpose have an end?
I suppose so when you consider that purpose has a goal and the goal represents an end.
What is the goal of restlessness?


Why would a man destroy himself?
There are many reasons and there is one reason.
Please explain.
The many reasons are the obvious ones, the one reason is the secret one. If the many are obvious then you should know them; if the one is secret it must be whispered to you.


Have you ever thought about doing a radio talk show?
Who would do the talking?
You and the callers-in.
What would we talk about?
The state of the nation.
Would we try to change things?
No, you’d just talk.