UNIt XL: Universations 994 - 1018


From where you’re sitting, how do things look?
Not too bad; but then, I’ve lowered my expectations.


Some of us here are beginning to doubt you.
I’m beginning to doubt myself.


When did they start celebrating Halloween more than once a year?
What makes you ask that?
There are ghouls on every street corner.


When’s the only time you can look directly at the sun?
When it’s behind the mist and the fog.


Life is invariably good.
We must not be alive.


This world has no foundation.
What do you mean?
A foundation would be a starting point for linear movement. We’re going in circles.


Do you think that’s possible?
All things are possible.
What about God creating a rock he couldn’t lift?
He’s already done that.


You seem content at the end of the day.
If it really is the end, what’s the point of being anything else?


When you told them to multiply and replenish the earth, do you have any idea just how literally they would take that command?
Since it was a suggestion, not a command, I guess you could say I was a bit surprised. Listening to me was never one of their strong points.


Modern day scientists say you don’t exist.
Maybe I don’t.
You are elusive.
I am even when I don’t try to be.


Some say you’re playing the game of your life.
I’ll do whatever it takes to win.
But your team is losing.
That’s the part that’s not making sense.


God is on our side.
Are you sure about that?
That’s a good question.
Well, are you?
I guess I better check.
Good idea.


How do you measure a religion?
By its adaptability.
All things to all people?
More likely most things to most people.


When did you first encounter nothingness?
It happened while reading mind numbing tracts on the absolute sovereignty of God.


What’s the best way to get to know yourself?
Be Socrates.


When there’s nothing left to conquer, what do you plan to do?
I haven’t thought that far ahead.
Well, your empire seems to be reaching maximum size.
Perhaps I’ll retire.
You are retired. They brought you back as emperor when your successor proved to be such a bust.
You’re right. It slipped my mind. Whatever happened to the poor fellow?
He thinks he’s still emperor.
Hey, I think the same thing.
We know.


Is there anywhere between yesterday and today?
What makes you ask?
Because my memories are more than the time allowed for them.


Why did you quit answering the phone?
It quit ringing.


Have you read any classics lately?
By whose definition?
The literary experts, of course.
In that case, no.
What are you waiting for?
A spiritual awakening.


How do you connect to the past?
By believing in the future.


Is man an enlightened animal or an ignorant God?
I guess my answer depends on which one we are.


Your clothes have that well-worn look.
They’re like a lot of people I know; live early, die late.


Thinking is a full time job.
There’s a lot of unemployment in the thinking field.


When will you be willing to say goodbye to all your dreams?
When they say goodbye to me.


Our conversations for the most part, have been enjoyable.
Should we continue?
I think not, but only time will tell.